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Library Committee

There are separate sections available in library such as Administrator and book issue section, reading section, reference section, journal section, E-Library. All the books are segregated subject wise and shelved in the properly labelled cupboards. All the books are given accession number. The reference books and books for issue-return are stored separately. The latest volumes and issues of the subscribed journals are displayed in library in journals section. Old volumes and issues of the hard copy of the journals are hard bound every year and labelled and the separate register is maintained for the tracking, issues and return record. Library is well stocked with books, titles and journals as well as electronic resources such as e-journals. Library has also institutional membership with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, for referring the library services. All faculty and students have joined the national knowledge network by way of registration on National Digital Library (https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/) to get access to a very vast and variety of digitized information and literature.


Library advisory committee

Since the Library has to cater to the needs of variety of stakeholders, a wide range of books are to be stacked in the library. In addition to this, for smooth functioning of library, safe guarding the interest of the library users, formation of policies and their implementation, a Library Advisory Committee is constituted.

Functions and Responsibilities of the Library Advisory Committee:

  1. To facilitate coordination between students, faculty and the library. That is to obtain the advice and views of students on library needs in their area and report these views to library.
  2. Participating in regular meetings with librarian concerning library related problems and suggestions.
  3. To adopt measures to enhance readership and to seek feedback on library functions from readers.
  4. To help in getting recommendations for purchase of new books, journals and magazines for updating the library collection
  5. To formulate policies and matters pertaining to Central Library/Departmental Libraries.
  6. To formulate rules, regulations and guidelines for purchase of books and journals.
  7. To facilitate the process of purchase of books and journals as per the demand from individual faculty forwarded through HoDs.

Composition of Library Advisory Committee


Name of Member




Dr. S. S. Angadi




Dr. V. B Udawant




Dr. V. P. Patil




Dr. G. A. Vaishnav

Associate Professor




Assistant Professor



Mr. A. S. Joshi

Assistant Professor
