Yash Pharmacy

NSS Events 2019 – 2020



Nature of activity



No of students participated


International Yoga Day celebration


NSS Cell




Cleaning Campaign on the occasion of Aashadhi Ekadashi






Celebration of 150 th birth annurssary of Mahatma Gandhi

Campus Cleaning


NSS Cell




Awareness of tobacco control


NSS Cell




Green Campus activity

Tree plantation

NSS Cell




Celebration of Rashtramata jijau and Swami Vivekanand jayanti & Inaguration of NSS camp

Guest lecture on De-addiction

NSS Cell




Oral hygiene awareness

Free dental check-up camp





Blood Donation

Blood donation camp

Dattaji Bhale blood bank & NSS Cell




Awareness on Environmental Sustainability

Guest lecture

Eco-Satav & NSS Cell




Awareness on Water conservation

Guest lecture





Swacch Bharat Abhiyan

Cleanliness drive at village of Golwadi

NSS Cell




Ear Checkup

Ear Check-up camp




International Yoga Day :

On the occasion of International Yoga day our college organized the seminar and workshop on 21/06/2019. For this event our college invited the Yoga instructor Mr. Santosh Hiras sir as a guest. On this occasion the guest delivered the seminar on topic, “Importance of Yoga in day to day life.” The guest of the program signifies the different yoga practices and their benefits. After the seminar the guest performs different asanas like Vrukshasan, Tadasan, Bhujangasan, Pramayam etc. and did practice with participants with corrections. At the event time our principal Dr. S. S. Angadi facilitate the guest with gratitude. For this program NSS volunteers, faculty members and students of our college was participated in this event.

Cleaning Campaign on the occasion of Aashadhi Ekadashi :

Aashadhi Ekadshi is the spiritual event of our culture. Every year thousands of pilgrims are rush to meet Lord Vitthal at Waluj Pandharpur on 12/07/2019. At this time the residents of waluj, bajajnagar and south city arrange the refreshments to the pilgrims as token of work offered to god.  At this program thousands of pilgrim are arrived from different places. During the program of refreshment lot of waste material are produced on the road. As a social responsibility, our NSS volunteers are lead to collect the waste material with association an NGO CARPE. Collected waste material is send to the Biogas project run by Mahindra & Mahindra at waluj MIDC, Auragnabad. Dr. S. S. Angadi, principal and faculty members of our college participated and appreciative the work carried out by the NSS department and encourage the volunteers for work. 95 Students participated in this event.

150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi (Swachata hi Seva) :

On the occasion of 150th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, NSS unit of our college organized cleanliness drive, “Swachata hi Seva” at college campus area on 02/10/2019. NSS volunteers conducted cleanliness drive for creating awareness among the people about the swachata. The NSS volunteers actively participated in drive. The student took the initiative to clean surrounding. The total no of volunteers participated in the campaign was 50.


Tobacco Control :

NSS unit if Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad organized the mass pledge for tobacco control for students and faculty of our college. On this occasion the students and faculty member of college jointly taken the pledge for tobacco control. In the pledge all took oath that, I will never touch cigarette, bidi, gutka, pan masala, hookah, ecigarette or any tobacco product in my life. I will also encourage my family, friends and others around me not to do so. At this time our beloved principal Dr. S. S. Angadi encourage all members to follow the instructions given in the pledge and also advised to all that never touch the tobacco and products in life. The event was life changing moment for students who are in early stage of life. Students were actively participated in event. 

Tree Plantation :

As a social responsibility our college every year organized the tree plantation program. This year also our NSS volunteers and students participated as green army and planted over 400 trees in our campus. This program was organized for creating awareness in people about trees and environment. Our students planted the regional trees in the campus. We also planted the 100 medicinal plants in our campus. Students created the Oxygen Hub by planting 100 Tulsi plants. Our Green army working for the plantation of new trees and caring the planted trees. Our beloved principle and faculty members encourage the student

Indian Constitution Day:

On the occasion of Indian Constitution Day students of Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad organized the reading of preamble and viewing the address of Hon. President, Vice-president and prime minister. For this event all students are called together for the celebration. At this time all students and faculty member were jointly viewed the address by our beloved Hon. President, Vice-president and Prime Minister. Also all members jointly read the preamble of constitution. Our beloved principal Dr. S. S. Angadi encouraged the students and faculty members. At the time of event along with students our faculty members were present. For this event 277 students and 30 faculty members were present.

National road safety week :

Observance of National road safety week was observed from 11 to 17 Jan 2020. On this occasion our institute conducted guest lecture of Mr. Kisan Gaikwad saheb at seminar hall of our college on date 16 Jan 2020 . Guest of the program delivered a lecture on the 31 National Safety Week. Guest introduced our students about rules to be follow while driving vehicle. Guest also underlined the key points of rules. They also signifies the importance of following the rules while driving the vehicle. Mr. Kisan Gaikwad sir distributed the leaflets of rules and road safety week. Our beloved principal facilitate the guest with warm wishes.

Blood donation :

Every year our college organized blood donation camp association with Dattaji Bhale blood bank as social cause. This year we organized camp on 14/01/2019 on the occasion of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University name extension day. On this occasion students of Yash Institute of Pharmacy and residents of south city donated blood.

Library Initiative :

Usually library is opened for students and faculty members in college timings. Students and faculties spend time for study in the library. Our beloved principal Dr.S.S.Angadi proposed to extend library timing beyond college hours. This extended library timings helps the students and faculty for their study. The students resides near the college area had the benefit of new library timings. As the proposal given by our principal, the head of the library Dr. V.B.Udavant extended the library timings from 8:00 am to 12 am. Due to this extended timings students grabs the benefits from the library. Due to this new activity ran by the college lot of students spends their time into the library after the college hours for study and searching the study material. The books availability timings also extended. 

Because of this activity this year 9 students were qualified GPAT and 2 students qualify NIPER entrance exam and got good raking in entrance exam. All the students qualified in the entrance gave thanks to the beloved principal and librarian for the new activity.

Alumni Meet 2020 :

The alumni meet of passed out batches of Yash Institute of Pharmacy from 2008 to 2019 was conducted at Seminar Hall of Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad on 26/01/2020. Registration counters opened at 09:00 AM on day of the event. In all 61 alumni members including Alumni Association Office Bearers attended the event. The event was Chaired by Dr. S. S. Angadi, Principal, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad. 

The event started with Museum Display Competition held by Incubation Cell. In this competition students participated by forming teams and decorating / developing exhibits in the Museum Display boards. The alumni interacted with current students while taking a round of the exhibits. The museum displays and explanation by current students helped to break ice and conversations ensued among current students and Alumni. Ms. Maithili Sulakhe (alumni, 2008 batch) acted as a judge for the competition. The formal event was inaugurated with traditional lamp lightening (Deep Prajwalan) and Saraswati Vandana. It was followed by introduction to the event by our students Ms. Komal Korde (VIth Semester B.Pharm), and Ms. Roshni Bedmutha (VIth Semester B.Pharm). On the dais were 

  1. Hon. Dr. S. S. Angadi, (Principal, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad).
  2. Dr.(Mrs.) V. P. Patil (Department of Pharmaceutics, Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad)
  3. Dr. G. A. Vaishnav (I/c Alumni Cell Yash Institute of Pharmacy, Aurangabad).

Hon. Principal addressed the alumni, students and teachers regarding expectations from alumni association and possible ways to achieve the goals. The first session was followed by buffet lunch wherein the alumni interacted with their peers, seniors, juniors and faculty along with delicious food. The speeches were followed by panel discussions among alumni and teachers. Alumni Feedback forms, Event Feedback forms and Employer Feedback forms were distributed to the alumni and their feedbacks were collected by Ms. M. A. Patil (Feedback Cell). Consent of alumni members to join the advisory committee for one or more of the six priority areas was collected. Ms. Roshani Bedmutha proposed a vote of thanks. The formal program was followed by delicious lunch served to Alumni, students and staff members. The Alumni, teachers and students interacted during the lunch.